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Learn how to write a research paper in 5 steps

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In this article you will learn what a research paper is, its structure and how to produce one. Check out our tips 😉

Table of contents:

  1. What is a research paper?
  2. Why is it important to write research papers?
  3. How to write a research paper — step by step
    Defining the core elements of a scientific research
    Bibliographic review and empirical investigation
    Choose a journal or a scientific event to submit your research paper
    Structure your research paper
    Don’t forget to review the whole paper
  4. Format your research paper in APA style with Mettzer

The research paper is one of the main types of academic papers, mostly made by postgraduate students and scientists.

Through the publication of these papers, scientific knowledge is build.

Writing a research paper is an important step of a scientific career. To make this path more enjoyable we have selected the best tips for you.

What is a research paper?

One of the central characteristics of a research paper is its originality. That is, it must be the result of a scientifically grounded authorial research — plagiarism in no way!

Publishing papers is a central step towards a scientific career, but also a good research exercise for undergraduate students.

Why is it important to write research papers?

The publication of research papers enables the circulation and debate between different ideas, which must be organized within the standards of science. That is, with theoretical rigor and scientific methodology.

In order for this scientific rigor to be certified, a research paper will only be published after peer review, i.e. the reading and approval of other researchers.

Therefore, the publication of research papers is carried out by academic journals or scientific events and congresses. In these journals, the paper must go through a revision process, in which suggestions or changes may be requested until it reaches its final version – ready for publication!

Now that you know what it is and what its importance is for the academic world, let’s move on to a practical guide on how to write one.

How to write a research paper — step by step

Do you have to write a research paper and don’t know how to start?

Check out this step-by-step that we have prepared for you.

1. Defining the core elements of a scientific research

Before starting the research you need to define what will be the theme studied. It is important to choose something that arouses your curiosity and mobilizes the research process 🙂

After choosing the theme, you must delineate the scope of the research, that is, formulate the research problem, objectives and methodology.

This is a central step, because it is the moment when you define the bases that will structure the entire research.

research paper template

2. Bibliographic review and empirical investigation

After defining the basic structure of the research it is time to collect the data – theoretical and empirical.

You have already chosen the theme and what you seek with the research (research problem), now is the time to select bibliographic references and read a lot about the research theme.

Take care to select reliable theoretical and bibliographical references. For this, choose to search in reliable portals such as Google Scholar.

If your research has empirical data collection, this is when you go to the field or laboratory to apply the methodology you have chosen – conducting tests and observations or applying interviews, questionnaires, etc.

That’s quite a lot, isn’t it? Doing research is a complex and detailed work.

Now that you have done the research, collected the data, and immersed yourself in the theoretical framework, it is time to organize all of this in the format of a research paper.

3. Choose a journal or a scientific event to submit your research paper

Before you start writing the article you need to decide where you want to publish it. This decision is crucial because each journal or scientific event has specific submission requirements.

Defining this before you start writing saves you time and optimizes the development of the paper. This is because, by directing your writing from the journal or event rules requirements, you do not need to go back and change it after you have everything ready. Great tip, right?!

4. Structure your research paper

Typically, the length of a research paper varies between 15 and 25 pages. Its structure is composed of: title, abstract, keywords, introduction, methodology, discussion and results, conclusion, and references.

Typically, the length of a research paper varies between 15 and 25 pages. Its structure is composed of: title, abstract, keywords, introduction, methodology, discussion and results, conclusion, and references.


In the title you can use creativity to instigate the reading of the paper, but do not run away from the theme and scientific rigor. The title should be consistent with the research content and written objectively.


The abstract should present the structure of the research and its main results in a concise way.


Keywords are words that summarize your research. That is, central concepts or ideas worked on in the paper.


In this part, you present in an orderly way what will be developed in-depth along the paper. It is the moment to contextualize the research for the person who will read the paper – talking about the theme, objectives, problem, and methodology and also the importance of the research.


In this part of the paper, you should detail how the research was conducted. Which methods were used? What are the main theoretical references? How was the data collected?

Discussion and results

How do you interpret the data you have collected through the methodology applied? The results presented must always be in dialog with the bibliographic references on the subject. In this way, you demonstrate you are updated on the subject and bring new interpretations to the debate.


To conclude you must briefly review what was presented throughout the article, highlighting the main results obtained and the contributions of the research to science. It is also interesting to point out possible gaps in the study and questions that remain open and can be answered in future research.


Reference all documents used to produce the research according to the required scientific standards — in most cases APA style.

5. Don’t forget to review the whole paper

With the paper already written according to the structure and standards of the journal you have chosen, the last step is the review. It is a very important step, ok?!

The revision – both the spelling and the content of the paper – is essential to make the text cohesive and check for possible errors.

This is the time to carefully read the whole paper, string the argumentation and format the text according to the required scientific standards – in most cases, the APA standard is used.

You can ask a colleague or teacher to support you in this process. A look from another person may be able to verify errors that go unnoticed by our reading.

Science is a collective practice! We produce and publicize it for the scientific community and society as a whole 🙂

Format your research paper in APA style with Mettzer

Correctly formatting references ensures your paper is respecting academic standards. 

In fact, formatting is not a very simple step. But Mettzer can help you with it 🙂

Mettzer is the first and only digital platform that integrates – in one place the entire cycle of academic work. From planning your research, formatting in APA style to plagiarism checking.

Mettzer’s text editor formats any academic work in APA style. It automatically generates citations and bibliographical references for you.

Besides automatically citations and references, Mettzer’s text editor has a Plagiarism Checker to ensure the originality of your academic works.

You can even start your academic paper from a pre-ready template!

With Mettzer’s technology you save time to focus exclusively on what matters, which is the content of your research.

Check out this powerful tool!

You can take a free trial for 7 days 🙂


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